Best Sprouter for Easy Homegrown Mung Bean Sprouts

This little contraption (Amazon affiliate link) has revolutionized mung bean sprouting for me, transforming mung bean sprouting into a simple , pleasant task. No more fiddling with mason jars, rinsing under water multiple times a day, or bothering with those flimsy stackable little trays with tiny holes.

The design of this sprouter grows long, straight and plump mung bean sprouts that are closer to commercially grown mung bean sprouts you can get from grocery stores. Only homegrown mung bean sprouts are way fresher and at much lower cost. The 8oz bags of mung bean sprouts costs about $2 per bag in my local grocery stores, and a lot of times they just don’t look all that fresh.

By growing the sprouts yourself, you also cut down significantly on packaging, especially if you buy the dry beans in bulk, or even better from the bulk section of your grocery store bringing your own container (if your grocery store policy allows it).

Dry beans store well and take little storage space. If you can grow your own sprouts, you are just that much more pandemic resilient, less panicky if the grocery store shelves get emptied out again.

With just a single sprouter, we harvest about 400g of ultra fresh, delicious homegrown mung bean sprouts every four to five days.

Here are the steps to grow mung bean sprouts using this type of sprouter.

Soak 50g dried mung bean for 4 to 8 hours. Spread the beans evenly in a single layer on the mesh tray. Add water to the bottom tray until the water just touches the beans. Put on the lid. Place the sprouter on a warm counter. Cover the sprouter with two kitchen towels to keep out the sunlight. When exposed to light, the sprouts will turn green and become bitter.

Change water once or twice daily. Rinse out the bottom tray and add fresh water. Make sure to wash the water tray well if it feels a bit slimy. The sprouts are ready in about 72hrs. . Harvest with kitchen scissors. It’s just that simple.

50 gram dried mung beans yield around 400g sprouts for us. My family especially appreciate the refresh sprouts in the height of summer when our local farmers’ markets carry little leafy greens.

Harvested sprouts

Sprout growth over 72 hours in the tray

Root growth over 72hrs in the tray

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